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hypnotic audio production
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These hypnotic audios are the result of many years of research and experience. They result from observations of the main human psychological and behavioral needs, things that must be fulfilled in order to increase the quality of our lives. (After?) defining(identifying?) the most important issues to solve, we used the most advanced techniques and software to produce the audios in a significant, responsible, and effective way.

From the words used, the sentences’ construction, to linguistic variables such as, pitch, loudness, timbre, intonation, stress, rhythm and many others, nothing was made by chance, everything was made in an intentional way. We carefully chose the music, the sounds, the effects and the frequencies that were put behind the suggestions.

We used a very sophisticated software that allowed us to use binaural bit technology in a very precise way, so that we can model the brainwaves in a way that matches the purpose of the hypnotic audio itself, but also considering many significant variables that contribute to the effectiveness of this product. This product is unique in the market, as it is the only one mixing Ericksonian suggestions with brain hemisphere technology, binaural bits and more.